
The 10 best root apps for Android

Dromag - We know a lot of people root their devices, but only the experienced really know where to go from there. Of course most just us...

Dromag - We know a lot of people root their devices, but only the experienced really know where to go from there. Of course most just use it to back up applications, but there are a plethora of great root apps out there for people to use. Here, we’ll take a look at the 10 best root apps for Android. If you’d rather watch than read, the video as at the bottom.

10 Full!Screen

Best Root Apps

Number 10 on our list is Full!Screen. This app takes away the soft key at the bottom of your device as well as the notification bar. The reason for this is simple. Without soft keys, the Galaxy Nexus screen was 4.65-inches. With the soft keys and the status bar, it was closer to 4.3. This app gives you that extra space back.

When you activate it, everything disappears and you get a back button on the bottom left and a home button on the bottom right. Both of these buttons can be customized a number of ways. You can add a pie menu, swipe gestures, and long press functions to turn these two little keys into everything you need to get rid of those top and bottom bars.

09 GooManager

09 GooManager - best root apps

Next up is the official app for goo.im called GooManager. This app is a one way ticket to download and install anything you can find on goo.im. It has an easy to use interface and can help you find a lot of files that you may otherwise have to Google Search to find.

Some examples include ROM and Gapps downloads for your device. You can also use it to install TWRP Recovery if you need a custom recovery, and use the interface to reboot to recovery or flash ROMs without using the recovery.

08 Tasker

08 Tasker - Best Root Apps

Eighth on our list is a very useful root app called Tasker. This powerful application can make your phone do pretty much anything whenever you need it to. It’s a vague explanation but pertinent because it can really make your phone do almost anything.

So here’s how it works. You create a task or a scene, then you define what those tasks and scenes do. It’s highly recommended to read the online FAQs before attempting because there is a steep learning curve involved. A fun use for this app is using the Tasker add-on that some NFC apps have to make your NFC tags do things you created in Tasker.

07 Juice Defender Ultimate

07 Juice Defender Ultimate - Best Root Apps

Speaking of root apps that make your phone do wonderful things, number 7 on our list is Juice Defender Ultimate. This root app can turn your phone into a battery saving machine, squeezing valuable hours out of an otherwise lackluster battery performance.

It does this by tweaking your connectivity options. For root users, you can also tweak your CPU settings as well as a number of others. When everything is combined, Juice Defender can save you hours of battery if used right and it’s already being used by millions of people.

06 ROM Manager

06 ROM Manager - Best Root Apps

Number 6 could be considered an Android relic. It’s ROM Manager and for years it’s been one of the best ways to install ClockworkMod Recovery. ROM Manager has a number of features and is pretty easy to use. This has made it onto more than one essential root apps list.

So here is a quick list of things you can do with ROM Manager. Do note that many of these require the pro version. You can browse ROMs for your device, flash ClockworkMod Recovery and, for a nominal fee, ClockworkMod Touch Recovery, create Nandroid backups, and more.

05 Superuser

05 Superuser - Best Root Apps

Next on our list is the Superuser app by Koushik Dutta, who is the same guy who developed number 6, ROM Manager. Superuser is a basic app that literally all root users should have. It serves a very simple, yet very important purpose of being the gateway for apps to gain root.

So here’s what this app, and apps like it do. When you open a root app you get that now iconic screen asking if you want to give the app root access. That is this app in action. With it you either give or deny root permission to other apps. With this one, you can change themes, keep logs, and turn root on or off for both apps and ADB.

04 ROM Toolbox Pro

04 ROM Toolbox Pro - Best Root Apps

Fourth on our list is ROM Toolbox Pro. This is one of the very few all-in-one solutions for root users. It has a bunch of features that all root users could find useful and it’s even designed with Android in mind. That means all you #holoyolo fans will appreciate it.

There are simply too many things this app can do and we only have a limited time here so I’ll tell you the highlights. With this you can download ROMs, install recoveries, manage your applications, and it even comes with a built in root enabled file browser. Count in the stuff for more advanced users like kernel tweaks, and you have a valuable app for any root user.

03 Greenify

03 Greenify - Best Root Apps

We have reached our top 3 and the first up here at the top is Greenify and it is truly a must-have application as a root user. Sometimes applications run away with themselves and you’re the one who suffers. Apps can wake up devices, drain battery, and cause all sorts of problems. Greenify fixes that.

So here is how it works, the app will analyze your applications and tell you which ones are running, were recently run, and how many times they ran. Using this info, you can put apps into hibernate mode where they will only work when you actually use them. This can save you hours of battery life and effectively solves a long time problem of rogue apps keeping your phone awake.

02 Root Explorer

02 Root Explorer - Best Root Apps

Our long time YouTube fans are probably sick of hearing me talk about Root Explorer. To them I apologize, it’s not my fault this app is awesome in so many categories. Root Explorer uses root access to let you browse files on your entire device.

For root users, this is an essential task. There are a plethora of activities that require you rummaging through the root of your device and Root Explorer helps you do it. It has a clean interface, plenty of features, and is one of those essential tools for all root users.

01 Titanium Backup

01 Titanium Backup - Best Root Apps

We are aware that putting Titanium Backup as number 1 on this list is anti-climactic and for that we apologize. There simply isn’t a better application out there for root users. For those new to rooting, Titanium Backup is the essential app for dealing with your applications.

So here are the two biggest tasks this app accomplishes. You can freeze apps, preventing them from running, and backup apps which anyone who has experience with rooting will tell you is important. It then offers over 3 dozen other features, like syncing backups to cloud storage, uninstalling system apps –which is essential to get rid of bloatware- and multi-user support.

Best Root Apps Leaderboard

Best Root Apps Leaderboard

If you check out our leaderboard, you can see how all these root apps stack up. To be perfectly honest, a leaderboard is kind of worthless here, since most of these apps perform different functions. For best results, you should download most, if now all, of these apps.

The great thing about root is there are far more root apps that perform a variety of different functions. These are simply the highest rated, most popular, and they perform the tasks most often sought by rooted users who are experienced and novice alike. If there’s another one you’d like to mention, let us know in the comments.

The Video

Source : http://www.androidauthority.com

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