Google Maps for Android Updated With Sponsored Details and Better Navigation
Dromag - Android users have been receiving a staggered roll-out of an update for Google Maps this weekend that brings some new features an...
Dromag - Android users have been receiving a staggered roll-out of an update for Google Maps this weekend that brings some new features and updates along with it.
Amongst the changes to Google Maps is improvement of hotel search results that will also include sponsored ads with rates and links to booking sites. Considering the popularity of the Maps app, it’s honestly a bit surprising Google didn’t try harder to monetize it more in the past, but it is certainly heading down that road as of late.
The biggest change is that you will now be able to find your way to navigation much faster, and it is also apparently rerouting folks much quicker than it has in the past. Nothing worse when you’re in a place you don’t know that well and you suddenly find yourself having to pullover to see if the map can finally catch up with you. Hopefully that is quickly becoming a thing of the past.
While this Google Maps update started out in stages, it now appears to be pretty widely available. Hit up the Google Play Store on your device to see if it has made its way to you yet.
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