
Customize Your Android Device in Unique Ways with Xposed Framework and Modules

Dromag - Customization and flexibility lie at the core of Android and it is this potential that draws  more and more people to it, making i...

Dromag - Customization and flexibility lie at the core of Android and it is this potential that draws  more and more people to it, making it the most loved platforms for mobile devices. I see Android as an assertion of freedom against some other major operating systems like iOS and Windows Phone. At the same time, it must be admitted that this liberty comes tagged with a check and can be experienced by only those who are adventurous in nature. An Android device in its maiden state is just a little better than devices from its opponents, but once rooted, its leaves all others far behind.

We do not mean that customization is not possible altogether on an unrooted phone or tablet. You can install 3rd party launchers and icon packs and decorate your home screens with a variety of widgets. However, the range of such type of personalization is limited to a certain level. By rooting your Android device, you get the key to unlock the whole next level of customization. If you have root access on your device, you can flash custom ROMs and mods to achieve not only true customization, but also improve its performance significantly not possible otherwise.

What is a Custom Framework?

In case you have a rooted device but you do not wish to install custom ROMs or mods, or a custom recovery is not available for it, there is yet another way of tasting the custom flavors of Android. And this can be done by installing a custom framework on your phone or tablet. All such frameworks modify the system.bin file replacing the original codes with those of the custom framework. The hacked system core then starts allowing changes imposed via custom modules. The best part of this whole business is that you can customize your device with stock firmware.

If you are not new to Android, you must have heard about some custom frameworks for Android like JKay, Xposed, 3Minit, etc. Developed by XDA member rovo89, the Xposed Framework is most popular of all its peers because of its potential and compatibility with almost all Android devices with Android 4.0 or above that house an ARM processor within them and are rooted.

How to Install Xposed Framework

“Installing a custom framework” might sound a little geeky and complicated task to most new users. On the contrary, Xposed Framework can be installed very easily like a simple APK. All you have to do is to download the Xposed Installer app and install it on your device. Then open the app, select Framework and tap on the “Install/Update” button. The app will ask you to grant root permission, do it and wait for a while till you get an on-screen confirmation that the framework has been installed on your phone.


Now you have a custom base framework that can change the way you use your device with the help of compatible modules. Xposed Framework will not add any functionality to your device that can be used individually. Just search for Xposed modules and then you will be able to customize your device in various ways. The module files for the framework come as simple APK files and  can be installed normally.

How to Install Xposed Framework Modules:

As we already mentioned above, it is the modules that let you customize your device and therefore, you will have to find and download the desired modules and install them separately on your device. Fortunately, the developer has now added the option to download modules right from the app’s interface. Open Xposed Installer and tap on “Download” option. You will now see a long list of available Xposed modules that can be downloaded. Just select the module you like and hit the Download button.


Besides the modules available in the app, you can find more at forums like XDA and others. I have downloaded 2 modules, namely Wanam Xposed and Icon Changer on my Galaxy S4 with stock rooted ROM and both of them work perfectly. After installing the modules, do not forget to select them in Xposed Installer. Launch the app, tap on “Modules” and check the newly installed module.


With all being said, Xposed Framework adds a new dimension to easy customization of Android devices for advanced and new users alike. With Xposed Framework and some good modules installed on your device, you can have most of the features that you might have seen in a custom ROM features list. It lets you enjoy a fully customized stock ROM on your device. It is really a must have for all who have a rooted Android phone or tablet!

Source :http://www.droidviews.com/

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